
TimeSmart Payroll

Annual Leave

We know Kiwi annual leave calculations and make sure they are correct – Days not hours!

Simple to use, Easy to edit

Complete your payroll in minutes and make edits quickly at anytime.

Payday filing automated

Payday filing with the IRD at the click of a button.

Reports in real-time

Every report you need is automated a full checks-and-balances approach.

Learn more about Payroll


Supervisor bulk entry

Easily manage large teams accurately.

Contractor teams

Track all labour costs of contractors.

Faster, easier, accurate

A digital timesheets that make sense for everyone – restrict and control access levels.

Enter data once

Single login for timesheets, tasks, payroll, H&S, rosters.

Learn more about Timesheets
TimeSmart Timesheets

Job Costings

TimeSmart Job Block Costing 2

Track employee costs

See employee hours and activities against each job.

Contractor costs

Track time-costs of contractors – budget and monitor progress.

Tracking to GL

Record hours worked on a job.

Apportion costs and invoice out

Easily apportion costs of a supplier invoice amongst multiple jobs and export invoices to Xero.

About Job Costings

Health & Safety

QR code site inductions

Scan a QR code to pull up risks, maps, info then sign it off digitally.

Worksafe NZ aligned

All the right wording, terminology, and processes.

Be audit ready

Digital records showing employee engagement with H&S is what you need.

Easier to manage

A single login to manage your labour force risks, pay, tasks, and time.

About Health & Safety
Timesmart Health and Safety

An all-in-one software solution for your industry

Rural Contractors NZ logo
Horticulture NZ logo
Activate 2.0 Tech Award Winner

Simple to use

Simple and intuitive software that is a piece of cake to navigate. Add time with a click of a button and ensure the team are filling in their timesheets via their phone app or any other device.

Saves time

Reduces admin time so you can focus on getting your hands dirty. Let’s face it, anything that reduces admin time has got to be good!


Access TimeSmart anywhere from any device with an internet connection.  Stores your data in the Cloud. We also work offline allowing every person access.


No more worries…If the compliance people tootle on up the driveway, all of your records will be in one place with all of the necessary checks and balances automatically worked out and held in TimeSmart.

News & Events

Article: Improving Productivity with Technology

“Increasing productivity in the long run, is fundamental to improving well-being.”

Read More

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